by: Frederic Madore
Do you remember the first digital cameras you
saw? Did you even stop to contemplate the photography process
and the changes that would occur due to a new method? Probably
not. Not until the widespread use of digital cameras has the
process of digital photography been a topic of any interest.
Now, we all are buying digital cameras, and must learn the ABC’s
of digital photography.
Unlike traditional photography, the advent of
digital utilizes “pixels” to control color content, clarity and
the quality of the picture. Each photo is composed of hundreds
of pixels. These pixels are small square pieces of color, that
when put together produce the image captured on the camera.
Think of pixels as pieces of a puzzle. Each piece of the puzzle
contains a small portion of the color and object, that when
locked together form the much bigger whole. Digital photography
offers the professional photographer a much broader scope of
options than traditional methods. Adjustments can be made to
just a small portion of a photo rather than having to change the
entire background, subject color, or other complete coloring of
an object in the photograph.
Digital photography is not new, but it is new
to the average consumer. Professionals have been reaping the
benefits of digital photos for several years. It is only since
the explosive growth of computers, however, that digital
photography has become a realistic method of photography for
just about everyone. Now, John Q. Public can use his digital
camera and upload his pictures onto the computer. It is here
that any real benefit of digital photography, from a personal
standpoint, ends. For most of the pictures we take of our family
and friends, we don’t need professional quality photos. We just
like the ease and convenience of taking the picture, uploading
and printing in a matter of minutes. The use of digital
photography today is for the most part, a replacement of the old
Polaroid of the 70s.
There is some irony here. Isn’t it just par
for the natural course of things? Something as beneficial and
complex as digital photography is simply the everyday answer to
the Polaroid. The real benefits of digital photography are lost
on the general public. Digital photography allows us to dissect
a picture. Much like investigators can dissect the pieces of a
murder case, we can investigate the pieces of a picture. Once
again, the real benefit is realized and appreciated only by the
professional photographer, not your next door neighbor.
The last piece of required equipment when
making digital photos would be the software necessary to view
the pictures and make adjustments to the pixels. Usually, this
software will accompany the digital camera when purchased, and
quick install instructions make it possible to complete the
software upload in a matter of minutes. User friendly “buttons”
have eliminated the need for most of us to even understand how
to break apart pixels to adjust color and contract, we simply
move an arrow up or down to make the adjustment.
Digital photography is helping to
revolutionize the way we view our pictures and the way we are
able to capture the most breathtaking images. But, what does
that really matter, if all you need is an up-to-date version of
a Polaroid? |